Extensions - extra words
Globish Extension Word-Sets: Technical and International Words
- Details
- Created: Wednesday, 05 October 2011 08:46
- Last Updated: Saturday, 14 April 2012 15:07
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 5634
The 1500 Globish Core words, of course, allow international users to quickly understand each other with the words they will need in everyday communication. Derivative Words. of course, let users make combinations like "workman" and others like "farmers" from the basic Globish word "farm." However, from time to time there is also need for sets of extra words for items and situations that serve special communities. For example, when discussing history people need words that identify certain periods, methods of researching history, and more. Similarly, those working on computers will want a set of words that are in common use in the computer field.
Sets of words for particular subject areas should be identified as 'extension word sets' or, more simply, Technical Words and International Words.
Technical Words: A good example is provided by the work that enables international learning of baking. A set of words related to baking are being identified and these are being used in texts, alongside the Globish Core words, for baking students. The document
Of course, the professionals such as cooks need a broader choice of special words. Many other people who spend a lot of time in their own kitchens may also need some Technical cooking words, such as soup and dessert. Any person who is very involved in a special area should also be able to use the Technical Words.
International Words: There are many words that are now used in many countries even where people do not often speak English. They are known as International words and are used for 'international' signs, often where tourists go. These include words seen in public places, such as exit, fire,
Thus, Globish is not so over-regulated as to be unproductive for people who do many things and share many ideas with the rest of the world. However, only non-native English speakers should define what they need in terms of special words for special occasions. To have a native speaker extend and extend the number of words used with Globish would be to put them in control of the Globish. Globish should a way of using language that native English speakers come to because they want to communicate with more people. It should not be because they want to rule the language scene by broadening its demands again.