Want to Learn Globish?

Do you want to learn Globish?

You can attend classes, learn online, work with a remote teacher, or even teach yourself!

If you know a little bit of English, you are ready to start Globish-in-Globish. Globish in Globish is an online course. You can use your computer and/or your mobile phone. It costs $49.95 USD. When you buy 'Globish in Globish' you can use it as many times as you like for 6 months.


BEGIN reading 350 basic words and build to 1500....
LISTEN to and SAY each word - special help with sounds....
USE your computer, or mobile phone ... or both!
LEARN to make simple sentences for every communication you need...

Complete the full Globish-English course in 3 - 6 months START NOW...Just $49.95, unlimited use for 6 months!

See a 5-minute Orientation in PowerPoint, then Take 2 Free Lessons!

Globish In Globish is a course for people who can read at least 350-500 words of English, and who want to master Globish-English quickly by learning everything IN Globish. (Here's what they say about Globish IN Globish™.....)

English Speakers - This 3 minutes of Globish is for YOU!

GNG is also a fast way for English-speakers to use Globish in an international setting. One of the big problems with companies is that their English speakers speak TOO MUCH English for the people they work with. Globish can be an answer to that as well, and you can use GNG (above) as well.

For English teachers and advanced English students, Globish IN Globish offers the most complete and detailed rendering that you can find in English of the words and practices of Globish.

For more details, contact dhon @ globish.com


It is always difficult to learn to make the sounds in a new language. You may be interested in the free phone app that will help you in many ways with this problem. See http://www.soundspronapp.com/

Courses with Teachers - see the range already available.