About the Globish Foundation


Globish for English Speakers


More about Globish


More About Globish

Globish - satisfying an important a niche context

Globish is not English, it uses only a subset of English. But more importantly, Globish is unique within the world of 'English' language learning because it is not aiming to be a step on the long path to perfect English. Globish is an end in itself. It is designed to provide learners with sufficient English to satisfy their immediate needs, and to do this quickly.

Globish is a bit like 'Business English' but it is not business English as that is understood in most language learning schools. "Business English' is specialised English for business people but it includes business knowledge. Students of 'Business English' learn more, or less, about business as part of learning 'Business English'. Businessmen and women who choose to learn Globish most probably already know about business: they just want to know how to talk about what they know using English words - to talk to anyone, anywhere, about business and to do business with anyone anywhere.

Globish is a bit like 'General English' but it is not 'General English'. 'General English' is usually taught to children in school. It is studied as the first step towards becoming bi-lingual. What is learned in 'General English' classes is carefully chosen to form a good base on which to build more English. Globish is designed to provide enough English in itself.

Globish is not 'English for Specific Purposes'. 'English for Specific Purposes', like 'Business English' is usually taught for students of a particular discipline, say medicine, and is concerned with how medical people think, talk and work on medical problems. Globish does not contain teaching/learning of this kind although it does expect people with knowledge of a particular discipline to use Technical or Special terms in their conversations. For example, people who want to talk about techniques in the baking industry will want to talk about how the bubbles get into their products, so they will use technical words for this. Very often, people who work or study a particular discipline already know the English technical or special words for their work.

Globish is designed to make it possible for learners/teachers to limit what has to be learned. They want to be able to talk to each other as simply and easily as possible. They want to know that they will only have to learn/teach 1500 words. They want to know that it will not matter if they don't know all of the English language. They will still be able to talk to each other and work together.

So who will learn Globish? People who do not want to embark on a long learning path but need to speak enough English for Global communication, as soon as possible. People who have difficulties reading will like to use Globish to read. People who want to be able to translate their work easily will use Globish. People writing emergency materials, health precautions, instructions for complex technologies, and more will want to use Globish.